I feel like at this point I really shouldn't call this extra weight "baby weight". It's been long enough that I really feel like if I had put my mind to it I would have lost it at this point. I know I haven't given it my all but I also know I've never worked out more in my life!
I have been LOVING my workouts at Barre3 and Dailey Method. I started my workout process at Barre3. I love the vibe there and the culture, it's very friendly and community feeling. They remember your name and were always great with Ryley. As Ryley's nap schedule changed Barre3 class schedule didn't work out as well so I started going to a 45 minute lunch class at Dailey Method. Then Ryley's nap schedule changed again and I started attending Dailey Method Interval class, which is a more cardio based class.
I love interval but the past few weeks it has been kicking my butt to the point of not feeling great during class so I'm heading back to the standard barre classes to get myself back into the rhythm of things from a month of vacation and too much food. I start tomorrow and hope I can get back into my routine of 3-4 times a week! Dailey Method is great but the environment is a bit more cold. Cold might be the wrong word but it's hard to describe. I love it now but when I first came I was a bit put off because it's less friendly than Barre3 was.
So that is my working out....but my eating. That is really where I need to do better. When I've lost weight in the past it has always been because I did meal planning. Every Sunday I would make breakfast, snack and lunch for the next week and get it all in lunch bags for the week. I'd also have a plan for all of our dinners. With a little one it has been a bit harder to do that. Really that's just an excuse. Instead of typing this blog post right now I could be meal prepping. But at the end of a day playing with a toddler I'm tired and what I WANT to do is sit on my computer.
I need to make some changes in this department. I'm not quite sure how to motivate myself but right now I'm not in love with how I'm looking in photos. I was thinking of trying the 21 Day Fix from Beachbody but I've always been so against that sort of thing. Seems like I'm paying them to tell me what I already know. My other idea was to find something I want but wouldn't normally buy myself and make it a reward. I did this when Ryley was little and I needed to get my but back into my own bed. But right now I can't really think of anything I really want.
So that is where I'm at. I'm trying to get my eating under control. Don't get me wrong, I'm not over here binging on Doritos or anything but I need to have better portion control and less processed stuff (I love me some Lean Cuisine for lunch because I'm lazy). I also LOVE eating out and trying new foods. Matt and I are back down to our only twice per week eating out. That might seem like a lot to some people but we used to have times where we'd eat out most days so have to start somewhere right?
I'll keep you all updated on how things go!
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